The Amuri Ski Club was founded in 1957 by a group of farmers keen on having somewhere in North Canterbury to ski. The Club runs the Hanmer Springs Ski Area (formerly the Amuri Ski Field) and is affiliated to the Canterbury Snowsports Association.
Although anyone can ski or board at Hanmer Springs Ski Area there are many great benefits of becoming a member of the Amuri Ski Club. These include greatly discounted rates for lift passes, accommodation, participating in the upkeep management and development of our ski club and social interaction with like minded people.
When mother nature plays the game we come together for fun events like the Club Champs family friendly day of racing and R18 dress up event; the Bacardi Cup.
We hope to reinvigorate the calendar with more great club based events and look forward to inviting any help and ideas from our members.
Looking forward, the club will be driving a number of new initiatives for summer access and activities. We are very excited about these prospects and hope to share these with more like-minded members interested in being involved. Members enjoy the first word on all things snow and beyond by the inclusion in our newsletter database.
$40 Senior (Public rate $85)
$40Student (Public $75)
$25 Junior (Public $45)
Children 10 years and younger with skiing adult ski for free.
$25 Senior (Public $50)
$20 Student (Public $45)
$20 Junior (Public $25)
$25 per person (Public $45)
$45 Family (Public $100)
membership also gets you……
Entry into Club Champs and Farmers Cup
Qualify to compete to win the Bacardi Cup!
PLUS the chance to take a sense of pride in being "part of something". We ask for your say, your ideas, your help and advice when you are free and able to give it. There is no pressure, just the chance to meet other like minded people.
Household/Family – Maximum of 2 adults plus unlimited children that live in household.
Senior – 18 years or older as of 1 June 2025
Student – A student is one who has attained 18 years of age and is attending a recognized tertiary provider on a full-time basis. Valid ID must be presented on first day of skiing to claim student rated membership.
Junior – Under 18 years of age as of 1 June 2025.
Note: Children 10 years and under with paying adult, ski for free, but to be eligible for Club Champs need to be a paid up Junior Member.
Non-Skiing Member – someone who would like to be involved with club, claim Member status for accommodation and be involved with the future of the ski field.
PRE SEASON MEMBERSHIP SUBS OFFER : Available from April 1 2025 – June 30 2025
$280 Household/Family - can be reduced to $200 by doing two work parties, or $240 by doing one work party.
$180 Senior - can be reduced to $100 by doing two working parties, or $140 by doing one work party.
$60 Junior/Student
$50 Non-Skiing Member
Terms and Conditions:
If you are FIRST TIME EVER member, please note you will be required to pay the one off joining fee listed below.
IN SEASON MEMBERSHIP SUBS : Available from opening day 2025 to end of 2025 season
$320 Household/Family
$220 Senior
$80 Junior/ Student
(Non skiing members remain at $50)
All NEW incoming members to Amuri Ski Club will be charged a one off joining fee of $40 per person
Members re-joining after many years will have this charge waived for 2025.
The Joining fee will be re-charged to any previous member if they have lapsed for 2 seasons or more.
In line with all other ski clubs, we have an entry level club membership levy. This is included in your membership but can be reduced by up to $80 on Family and Senior memberships for working bees/committee assistance/weekend duty/member recruitment and is relevant only to Senior Members.
Ways to pay off your Ski Club Levy:
Attend 1x working bee in calendar year: reduce membership by $40
Attend 2x working bees in calendar year: reduce membership by $80
Assist with committee directed jobs: reduce membership by $80 or $40 at committee discretion
Volunteer to be ‘Member on duty for weekend day’: reduce membership by $40
Volunteer to be ‘Member on duty for full weekend’: reduce membership by $80
Recruit 1x Senior Member /Household group : reduce membership by $40
Recruit 2 x Senior Members / Household group: reduce membership by $80
Working Bees: Below you will find the calendar of scheduled pre season workings bee’s.
These involve assisting in a variety of jobs that may include but are not limited to collecting and stacking firewood, road maintenance, building maintenance, cleaning, painting, lift and out building maintenance.
These are enjoyable days spent with hard working members and often include a stay overnight stay in the hut for those who are interested. We always encourage the extra hands of our junior members or friends of members.
Working Bee weekends 2025
22/23 March
We will send out reminders of these dates through the newsletter and social channels along with specific tasks that will be undertaken at each.
Assistance with Committee directed jobs: Occasionally we will do a call out to see if we can save the club some money and mine the skills and talents of our membership base.
This might be as simple as some advice, a donated item for the lodge or a magical referral that will benefit the running of the ski field. It might be assisting in the set up/pull down/running of events or lending a hand for the Ski Ball.
It’s difficult to completely paint a picture here, but we are very motivated to work more closely with our members.
Member on Duty Weekends: in an attempt to keep our running costs in check, we are looking to limit the amount of paid staff on the mountain during the season. While this might actually not see us having “less” staff members in total, we want to support our volunteer staff and team with extra support over the busier weekends by supplying at least one member per Sat/Sun to be available to “help”.
This help may include: an extra pair of hands in the office for morning lift pass sales, someone to whip around a broom and wipe tables in the day lodge after the busy lunch period, a member to check in on evening cooking activity and guide new guests to the sink!
You are not required to take charge, simply be a friendly, supportive extra for the team if they should need you. And there is still PLENTY of time for skiing.
This year we are keeping it simple by providing a downloadable word doc to be filled out OR printed and scanned – then emailed back to us.
You will be required to tally your costs yourself to do a direct bank transfer to the Ski Club Account at the completion of the form.
On your first day up the mountain you may be asked to complete additional forms for each new member. At the very least you will be asked to sign a form to complete the Membership Subscription process and guardians signing on behalf of Junior Members.
Membership cards will be issued at this time.
For your reference: (directions in online form)
Pay the total of your selected Membership Subs directly to Amuri Ski Club bank account :
BNZ 02-0876-0134986-00
In Reference please indicate family/group/individual surname.
Any issues please email: